lunes, 13 de julio de 2009

Cognitive Surplus

What are your personal reflections about this video? Has it challenged you to think about your activities and how you spend your free time? Are you primarily a consumer or do you produce and share as much or more than you consume? Does it help you appreciate the social action you are doing for this class?Here is a little quote to inspire you:
"We have no right to consume happiness without producing it than we do to consume wealth without producing it." - George Bernard Shaw
My personal reflections about the video are that is impressive the ammount of info we get, the amount of "spare" time we have and also the insignificant time we use to contribute with info or facts or something to society... we are like parasites just eating all what society give us instead of producing something to give back...
I am mostly of the time comsumer... but I take my time to use the info I consume to do plans or put them in practice trying in some way to help society... but mostly of the time im just a big comsumer... but I use the time to share things with people also...
the social action Im gonna be doing from this week is gonna change the reality of my consumer condition, because im gonna be using the spare time I have to retribute society for the incredible ammount of hours, days, years of constant info it has given me...

5 comentarios:

  1. Jerome - You are pretty harsh on yourself! It is a good wake-up call though, so if you feel that way then hopefully it will motivate you to plan to change. I need to see what social action you are doing to provide support.

  2. are you go to change something in your life after watching this video?

  3. And what you are doing to not become a parasite?

  4. How you are going to help the society?

  5. Im trying to search of ways of helping, not only watching tv and stuff... Im not saying that I wont see tv or party but when I feel I have ideas I wont waste them, Im gonna try to put them on wheels and do them...
