miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2009
My Experience....
the 3 hours I spent each Saturday were nice because I felt I can open my hermetic inner me and show myself more deeply than any common day... also for my classmates because we were not afraid of telling our lives, problems, and even ask for advices to them when the theme was love...
you dont imagine how much I though about that first impressions never work... they just create prejudges nothing else... you should give the chance of knowing the people around us... we live everyday ignoring the most important the people around us... we never notice them, and thats not a good way for living anywhere...
I learned a lot not only in the hours I spent on Saturdays but the whole semester because I learned I can do something to contribute, I can become a Leader or that we have the power of changing society for good not evil.
martes, 18 de agosto de 2009
How To be Cooperative
Step 1
Meet with the group, committee or board to define a corporate goal. Define your final outcome. Create an action plan to accomplish agreed upon goals. Write down the plan in small achievable increments.
Step 2
Set a date to reach each milestone with corresponding meeting to come together. Remind team members to shelve their own interests in favor of the collective goal.
Step 3
Understand the need to compromise on some issues. Decide what crucial components must be present in the final plan. Focus your energy on the assigned outcome, if an argument arises.
Step 4
Assess the perspectives of the group with an open mind. Resist being biased towards your own ideas and methods. Appreciate that differences exist between you and your group members. Value the differences and incorporated a variety of ideas into the joint project.
Step 5
Learn to transform multiple ideas into one. The spirit of cooperation involves many people coming together to contribute their expertise to one common goal. Take the lead in asking people to choose the most important aspect of their perspective and contribute it to the whole.
Step 6
Discuss ideas, not personalities. When being cooperative, it's important to respect the other people in room. Stop the members when accusations go beyond the scope of the work.
lunes, 3 de agosto de 2009
Saturday 25th
We had to do double ride because we they were more guards so we went back to prepare more sandwiches... it is almost an adventure sometimes we have to be quiet so the residents don´t notice us etc... I really enjoy it and most if we do it having fun
You notice when people opens, when people appreciate, and the most when people need to talk with somebody, in something really simple as talking with them, taking sandwiches to them with soda you realize the things you do, It opens your mind beyond the cristal box we live in, beyond our bank accounts by always connected to our heart.
Saturday 18th
I have a true answer to my classmates who though what I was doing illogical and stupid… I can speak now more mature because I realized that in every social work we do, we do not only do one thing, many stuff come out and get us more and more involved with it… for example in my case, besides spending time with them, eating and laughing with them we make a paper of psychologist, friend etc.
domingo, 19 de julio de 2009
100 ways to save the enviroment
In Your Home – Conserve Energy
Clean or replace air filters on your air conditioning unit at least once a month.
If you have central air conditioning, do not close vents in unused rooms.
Lower the thermostat on your water heater to 120.
Wrap your water heater in an insulated blanket.
Turn down or shut off your water heater when you will be away for extended periods.
Turn off unneeded lights even when leaving a room for a short time.
Set your refrigerator temperature at 36 to 38 and your freezer at 0 to 5 .
When using an oven, minimize door opening while it is in use; it reduces oven temperature by 25 to 30 every time you open the door.
Clean the lint filter in your dryer after every load so that it uses less energy.
Unplug seldom used appliances.
Use a microwave when- ever you can instead of a conventional oven or stove.
Wash clothes with warm or cold water instead of hot.
Reverse your indoor ceiling fans for summer and winter operations as recommended.
Turn off lights, computers and other appliances when not in use.
Purchase appliances and office equipment with the Energy Star Label; old refridgerators, for example, use up to 50 more electricity than newer models.
Only use electric appliances when you need them.
Use compact fluorescent light bulbs to save money and energy.
Keep your thermostat at 68 in winter and 78 in summer.
Keep your thermostat higher in summer and lower in winter when you are away
Insulate your home as best as you can.
Install weather stripping around all doors and windows.
Shut off electrical equipment in the evening when you leave work.
Plant trees to shade your home.
Shade outside air conditioning units by trees or other means.
Replace old windows with energy efficient ones.
Use cold water instead of warm or hot water when possible.
Connect your outdoor lights to a timer.
Buy green electricity - electricity produced by low - or even zero-pollution facilities (NC
Greenpower for North Carolina - www.ncgreenpower.org). In your home-reduce toxicity.
In Your Home – Reduce Toxicity
Eliminate mercury from your home by purchasing items without mercury, and dispose of items containing mercury at an appropriate drop-off facility when necessary (e.g. old thermometers).
Learn about alternatives to household cleaning items that do not use hazardous chemicals.
Buy the right amount of paint for the job.
Review labels of household cleaners you use. Consider alternatives like baking soda, scouring pads, water or a little more elbow grease.
When no good alternatives exist to a toxic item, find the least amount required for an effective, sanitary result.
If you have an older home, have paint in your home tested for lead. If you have lead-based paint, cover it with wall paper or other material instead of sanding it or burning it off.
Use traps instead of rat and mouse poisons and insect killers.
Have your home tested for radon.
Use cedar chips or aromatic herbs instead of mothballs. In Your Yard
Avoid using leaf blowers and other dust-producing equipment.
Use an electric lawn- mower instead of a gas-powered one.
Leave grass clippings on the yard-they decompose and return nutrients to the soil.
Use recycled wood chips as mulch to keep weeds down, retain moisture and prevent erosion.
Use only the required amount of fertilizer.
Minimize pesticide use.
Create a wildlife habitat in your yard.
Water grass early in the morning.
Rent or borrow items like ladders, chain saws, party decorations and others that are seldom used.
Take actions that use non hazardous components (e.g., to ward off pests, plant marigolds in a garden instead of using pesticide).
Put leaves in a compost heap instead of burning them or throwing them away. Yard debris too large for your compost bin should be taken to a yard-debris recycler.
In Your Office
Copy and print on both sides of paper.
Reuse items like envelopes, folders and paper clips.
Use mailer sheets for interoffice mail instead of an envelope.Use mailer sheets for interoffice mail instead of an envelope.
Set up a bulletin board for memos instead of sending a copy to each employee.
Use e-mail instead of paper correspondence.
Use recycled paper.
Use discarded paper for scrap paper.
Encourage your school and/or company to print documents with soy-based inks, which are less toxic.
Use a ceramic coffee mug instead of a disposable cup. Ways To Protect Our Air
Ask your employer to consider flexible work schedules or telecommuting.
Recycle printer cartridges.
Shut off electrical equipment in the evening when you leave work.
Report smoking vehicles to your local air agency.
Don't use your wood stove or fireplace when air quality is poor.
Avoid slow-burning, smoldering fires. They produce the largest amount of pollution.
Burn seasoned wood - it burns cleaner than green wood.
Use solar power for home and water heating.
Use low-VOC or water-based paints, stains, finishes and paint strippers.
Purchase radial tires and keep them properly inflated for your vehicle.
Paint with brushes or rollers instead of using spray paints to minimize harmful emissions.
Ignite charcoal barbecues with an electric probe or other alternative to lighter fluid.
If you use a wood stove, use one sold after 1990. They are required to meet federal emissions standards and are more efficient and cleaner burning.
Walk or ride your bike instead of driving, whenever possible.
Join a carpool or vanpool to get to work.
Ways to Use Less Water
Check and fix any water leaks.
Install water-saving devices on your faucets and toilets.
Don't wash dishes with the water running continuously.
Wash and dry only full loads of laundry and dishes.
Follow your community's water use restrictions or guidelines.
Install a low-flow shower head.
Replace old toilets with new ones that use a lot less water.
Turn off washing machine's water supply to prevent leaks. Ways to Protect Our Water
Revegetate or mulch disturbed soil as soon as possible.
Never dump anything down a storm drain.
Have your septic tank pumped and system inspected regularly.
Check your car for oil or other leaks, and recycle motor oil.
Take your car to a car wash instead of washing it in the driveway.
Learn about your watershed. Create Less Trash
Buy items in bulk from loose bins when possible to reduce the packaging wasted.
Avoid products with several layers of packaging when only one is sufficient. About 33 of what we throw away is packaging.
Buy products that you can reuse.
Maintain and repair durable products instead of buying new ones.
Check reports for products that are easily repaired and have low breakdown rates.
Reuse items like bags and containers when possible.
Use cloth napkins instead of paper ones.
Use reusable plates and utensils instead of disposable ones.
Use reusable containers to store food instead of aluminum foil and cling wrap.
Shop with a canvas bag instead of using paper and plastic bags.
Buy rechargeable batteries for devices used frequently.
Reuse packaging cartons and shipping materials. Old newspapers make great packaging material.
Compost your vegetable scraps.
Buy used furniture - there is a surplus of it, and it is much cheaper than new furniture.
Social Work
This idea came when I spoke to one security guard in Bosques De Castilla and told me that it was an ugly job because they have to deal every day 12 straight hours with people that treat them bad and stuff, also they don’t eat in theyre work places they have to eat when they get back home at night…
This is a great idea for helping others because you can chat with them, also know their lives and how they feel about different topics, one of them talked about the loneliness they feel when people treat them as guards not as people… they don’t realize that to ask for something people must be respectful and not rude.
They are so nice, so funny when we where exchanging experiences they were making fun of each other, you have no idea how greatfull they were, how helpful and also how nice, people never notice it because they work walking inside the complexes or you see them for a sec when they open the doors of the entry.
This social work is gonna be done every Saturday because it is so fun and nice to be with this security guards and also it makes you feel full of joy because you spent time with people that work for us and also that we have to be respectful and nice when we ask for something that is a small change that can make a big difference in our society…
lunes, 13 de julio de 2009
Cognitive Surplus
domingo, 14 de junio de 2009
The chapter talks about searching for the truth but not the superficial truth, it means to go beyond that to explore the world that surround us and how is it working, the documentary talks about a lot of aspects we know not completely or that we don’t wanna know or that we deny because we cannot change that behaviors.
truth is the base of everything, and as individuals searching for opportunities to make changes is our dutty to inform everybody about the truth because we are a fundamental part in that processes that are killing species and also that are destroying completely the environment around us.
Investigating the truth is a twofold purpose, it must necessarily be based on an accurate understanding and a mature posture to accept the reality we are in, these truths help us to delineate the beginning of a path in which we should walk and live in, this path should be always a learning path but not also for our life but for others who are going in the wrong paths and to show them how things are…
We should change a lot in our ways of living because we are the most important part in that huge destruction to environment and also to ourselves because we don’t realize that everything we do has a consequence in our lives and in the ones around us.
What relationships can you find between the videos and the reading?
The relationships are in every line the chapter has because the truth is inevitable we are going to know it sooner or later, and when that moment may come it can be too late but because of our fault, because we participate in that massacre to the environment, to ourselves and to the future generations.
What do these relationships imply about our role as individuals in our society?
It implies us to learn to have at least a little or small GREEN MIND that can give us directions and make us think before doing something, also to be more mature and stop blaming others for the destruction the world is facing, it has to teach us better ways of leaving and not only that but to join efforts to be better each day that comes and also to be not afraid of the truth, only to be strong and perseverant in order to change it or avoid it in the future.
1. To be imbued is to be completely filled with it, to be saturated with it. Mention several qualities with wich you should imbued.
A situation were I feel imbued is when my mom involves me in a proyect for the foundation because it fills me up with strength and perseverance and the feeling of joy because I know that all my effort is going to be enjoyed by the little kids, and also that I am looking for theyre happiness instead of mine.
2. The qualities and convictions you possess impel you to do certain thing.s Can you give examples of things you are impelled to do by the following?
· Your sense of justice: makes me follow the rules everyday, it makes me teach others to follow them too and also to realize that they were made to live in order and in harmony as society.
· Your sense of modesty: makes me think that for me they never should be VIP treatments because for what I have or own, I am the same as everyone and I should be treated equally.
· Your love for humanity: makes me search different ways of making new projects to help people understand better how world works and also to give them better chances in life.
3. The word transformation has appeared in several readings. It is useful word, and you will want to be careful not to diminish its value bye calling every little change that takes place” a transformation” . In order to gain better understanding of what transformation actually entails, give a few examples from the physical world of something transforming into something else. For each example you cite, explain some of the fundamental changes taking place that justify the use of the word transformation to describe it.
When the wood turn into ashes, that is a physical transformation but for me transformation go beyond because they mean inner changes, spiritual changes etc.
As my personal point of view, people can find transformations not by the physical changes of states, but the inner person can change completely
4. Describe some of the changes you envision would take place in
· The transformation of the character of a passive and defeated person into a determined participant in social action : the transformation changes the person and imbued him with perseverance and determination, turning him into an individual of change for society.
· The transformation of the society in which you live : In the future I can see a world without inequities where everybody is going to be more conscious about the environment and the people around people is going to get envolve. In social issues and also that they are going a be transformation persons.
7. which of the following statements are in accord with the sentence. “ these aspects of the twofold purpose are fundamentally inseparable”?
------ Individuals cannot change unless society changes first
------ Society cannot change unless all the individual comprising it change
--X---- The only way to change society is to change the individual whi comprise it.
--X---- The only way to change to occur, individual transformation and social transformation have to move forward simultaneously
Words and concepts
1.- in the reading , it is stated that investigation of truth should be based on an accurate understanding of human nature in general, what we say an do is based on our understanding of certain fundamental concepts . Mention some of the concepts related to human nature that might be shaping the behavior of the following people:
· Someone who focuses all his or her efforts on accumulating material wealth: Material person, because it only cares about having material stuff and not about social problem or the people about him.
· Someone who dedicates his or her life to the service of humanity: Is a person that really understands the world, because he is spending his time getting answers about how the world works and also what the world needs.
· Someone who is engaged in exploiting a forest , cutting down care about the environment the only things he cares of is making money without knowing the consequences of his actions.
· An educator who makes every effort to be a worthy model for his students: He is a person that tries to give his students the best of his knowledges to teach then how to be individuals of change for the world
· A farmer who takes good care of the soil on his farm and strives to improve its quality: He is the best example of mind individual , but only if the heats nature naturally and not chemically.
2.- the words conscience and the conscious and their derivatives are oftentimes confused with one another. Decide which is called for in each of the sentences below , a d fill in the blanks
· It is encouraging to note that the people are becoming more conscious of the need to preserve our natural resources
· Francisco had an accident and lay unconscious on the sidewalk
· He who adds water to the milk he sells has no moral conscience
· I will not do this ; I do not want to have it on my conscience
· When I voted for him I did so conscious but, unfortunately I now regret it.
3.- the sentence “ A is indispensable for B” means B cannot exist without A. Write ten sentences , each of which uses the word indispensable together with one word form list A and one from list B
List A: love, will , exercise, machinery, harmony, studying, land families , passport, enthusiasm
List B : Learning , working, health, agriculture , peace, society, service, industry , cooperation , traveling.
· Love is indispensable for peace
· Machinery is indispensable for industry
· Enthusiasm is indispensable for learning
· Passport is in indispensable for traveling
· Families are indispensable for society
· Land is indispensable for agriculture
· Exercise is indispensable for health
· Studying is indispensable for service
· Harmony is indispensable for cooperation
4.- In the reading , it is stated that individual s attain their true station by strengthening their spiritual nature so that it dominates their existence. Which of the following correspond to your true station ?
---X-- service --X-- prosperity -------- luxurious life
----- Political power -X---- Learning
-----Economic power -----X-- Humility
1. The word conception is derived from the verb conceive , a verb that is use in the sense of” creating” “thinking of”, “imagining” or “having an idea” . It also used in the context of procreation. In each f the following sentences, change the word conceive or its derivative to another word without changing the meaning of the sentence.
· It is inconceivable that anyone would reject such an offer
it is unacceptable that anyone would reject such an offer
· We have to conceive of a plan to enable him to continue his education.
We have to think of a plan to enable him to continue his education
· what is your conception of individualized education?
What is your idea of individualized education?
· The artist spent a year conceiving his final masterpiece
The artist spent a year creating his final masterpiece
6.- loftiness and abasement are word referring to states of being determined by our actions. Give examples of deeds that lead to loftiness.
Loftiness: when a person tries to fight with me instead of using the force, I prefer to ignore or to give a wise advice.
Abasement: when a person abuses about the power he has, and treat other bad he is humiliating them.
7 .- there are certain convictions to which we should hold firmly in life and others based on false assumptions that we should abandon. Mention a few beliefs to which you wish to hold firmly throughout your life and others you want to leave behind.
· One conviction for me , is that love should last forever as marriage.
· The one I abandoned is the one that says that people should abuse the power they have to gain respect and more power.
8.- it is stated in the reading that if we are conviced of the nobility of man , we will only utilize worthy means to achieve our goals . For each of the following goals , give an example of means that should not be utilized to achieve it, no matter how praiseworthy it may be
Goal : Inappropriate means:
· To pass an exam copy
· To get others to appreciate
the efforts one is making at work to use that effort for
personal purposes.
· To win someones respect abuse power
· To quiet ones pain to yell
· To get money for a family emergency to steal
· To win a sports competition to cheat
· To advance scientific knowledge to experiment with animal
About a certain desease
· To obtain the highest yield possible
from a piece of land to expelled poor people from the land.
9. the adjective organic express the quality of not being mechanical, of being integral , total , interconnected . Write a sentence or two about each the following
Organic growth: chickens should have an organic and natural growth, without chemicals.
An organic whole: Environment is an organic whole
An organic process: breathing is an organic Process
An organic structure: The human body is an organic structure
10.- the adjective unshakable can be can be used to modify a number of words . For Each of the words below , write a sentence which includes the adjective unshakable .
Faith: my sense of faith is unshakable
Bonds: Bond are unshakable contracts with Government
Conviction: My conviction about abortion is unshakable
Confidence: the confidence and trust you have on me in unshakable
11.- Something is infused with something else when it is full of it, saturated with it. With what sentiments should the following be infused
Marriage: love, union, support, happy moments, family
Work: cooperation , responsibility , effort, compromise
Service to others: joy, kindness
Human relation: will, respect
Friendship: loyalty, love, protection, support.
12.- An accurate vision of human existence help us distinguish between efforts that result in lasting change and those the fruits of which are short lived ad superficial write down some accomplishments that you consider to be superficial
· People that do charity just for marketing, and not because they want to or because they got involve with social action, but because they want to appear in magazines or social events in the newspaper.
· A marriage just for social status, for me is ridiculous this because the only thing they want is to have a better last name and a large account in the bank.
Now write down some accomplishments that you think have lasting results
Ghandi for example fought for human rights and the independence of India from the British Colonies, he had an idea, he made that idea real, and till today his legacy continues and also inspired a lot of humans around the globe to make changes.
13.- A joyful life is free from incessant desire for in mediate satisfaction . Describe in a few sentence how it is possible for an individual to remain ignorant of the true purpose of life in this earthly plane , if her or she ceaselessly engaged in satisfying material desires.
This happends everywhere you go, because people realize and think that money is important, that the world goes around money and even love too… its ridiculous to think that this kind of material people exists, that think that the real purpose of life is money and nothing else not even family because in theyre pursuit of money they lost theyre families etc…A millionaire in Russia told me a year ago as an advice of life that PEOPLE CAN LOOSE MONEY CHASING GIRLS, BUT NEVER GIRLS CHASING MONEY AND MORE POWER… it made me realize that we live in a world full of shit and that selfishness is just across my house entrance door…
lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009
In this class at first I didn´t knew that it was going to be this interesting I prefer to be honest, but when the class started it started to talk about topics that I really liked!!! so that was the moment I changed my mind... This class has showed me again the importance of helping others no just ourselves and the most important that we retribute the same amount of knowledge to society.
Maybe the part of stop thinking about myself because as humans we are individuals by nature and also competitive so is very difficult NOT IMPOSSIBLE!!! but it take a lot of preseverance and also of willness to do it... but it has open my eyes and showed me that we are not alone and that society is also what is outside the city in those forgoten places...
I want to talk about How to build proyects for real in Ecuador, because as I told you Justin I have this huge proyect I wanna start here in Guayaquil.
lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009
Coperativa DE TODAS...
I went to Coperativa de Ahorro De Todas, I met one of the partners Jessica Herminia Bejarano she lives in Guasmo Norte Coop. Unión Cívica, she applied for a credit for her little bussines of jewelry sales.
Her life changed completely because she wasn´t able to help at home she´s single but she has 3 kids, she tried applying for various jobs but the answer was negative till on day a girl came to her neighborhood and talk about how to succeed with a small amount of money.
he has been part of this cooperativa for 2 years, her bussines is going good, and also her selfsteem too...
I think this cooperativa is a great example of giving people the opportunity of have a better life and also the opportunity of feeling usefull and not a bacteria of society...