lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

Coperativa DE TODAS...

May 4th, 2009

I went to Coperativa de Ahorro De Todas, I met one of the partners Jessica Herminia Bejarano she lives in Guasmo Norte Coop. Unión Cívica, she applied for a credit for her little bussines of jewelry sales.

Her life changed completely because she wasn´t able to help at home she´s single but she has 3 kids, she tried applying for various jobs but the answer was negative till on day a girl came to her neighborhood and talk about how to succeed with a small amount of money.

he has been part of this cooperativa for 2 years, her bussines is going good, and also her selfsteem too...

I think this cooperativa is a great example of giving people the opportunity of have a better life and also the opportunity of feeling usefull and not a bacteria of society...

2 comentarios:

  1. Jerome - This is a great start. However, I would like you to finish this assignment. Here is the assignment I posted on the Moodle:

    In your new blog, write a small description of your visit and a short summary of the questions you asked and the answers your received. Also, write what you learned through the visit related to what we have read in our text book so far. This should be the first entry in your blog. Feel free to post pictures in the entry too.

  2. jerome! its amazing see how this people how the iniciative to get ahead! i agree with you in the part you said that the cooperativa detodas is a great example of giving people the opportunity of have a better life! I think it should be more of these cooperatives, in order to improve our country and that more people can be overcome!
