lunes, 3 de agosto de 2009

Saturday 25th

On Saturday 25th we went to los lagos, las riberas, el rio, castelago, we began at 12:00 till 3:30, we met an interesting guy called Xavier, he was working in a huge company but he got kicked of by the chiefs… he told us that he has 2 jobs he worked in a night club in Duran called El Gato and during day he work as the security manager in Los Lagos.

We had to do double ride because we they were more guards so we went back to prepare more sandwiches... it is almost an adventure sometimes we have to be quiet so the residents don´t notice us etc... I really enjoy it and most if we do it having fun

You notice when people opens, when people appreciate, and the most when people need to talk with somebody, in something really simple as talking with them, taking sandwiches to them with soda you realize the things you do, It opens your mind beyond the cristal box we live in, beyond our bank accounts by always connected to our heart.

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